Tuesday, August 28, 2007

uppin' the ante

since i have completed my babysitting comittment, I have been open and empty with my time and committments. Its kinda like when a big time consuming project wraps up (this experience is also happening at work right now). what happens to me when this happens, is I get a renewed energy and a 'wow, i have a lot of time to do things' feeling. my time inevitably gets gobbled up pretty quickly with all of the projects that I always have on the go. but it's always nice to take an inventory of those projects and re-visit.
today was the FIRST time I have been in my 'studio' space for what seems like eternity....but was only 3 weeks. 3 weeks not to be beading, is certainly an eternity to someone who gets extreme joy and bliss from creating!! today i completed two projects for some of my colleagues at work. I can't wait to finally hand them over. two things off this list for this week, only 15 more!!! (one of them , is creating my christmas inventory goal and action plan!)
have i mentioned that i love organizing?

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