Saturday, July 14, 2007

one more day....

As my bags are packed and I am heading out to Brantford for the day. This is my horoscope...oops
You would love to crawl into the privacy of your own life and luxuriate in the idea that you don't need to go anywhere or see anyone. Unfortunately, reality may not let you off the hook without a fight. You may be called on to take responsibility for others and you'll begrudgingly rise to the occasion. Even so, you still may feel as if you are within your own shell.
I'll spend the day with the family (sisters are helping to create products and price my stuff!!) and then will head out first thing in the morning to my first show! We have 3 cars going. it's actually kind of exciting when I think of all the support and people that will be taking this on with me. I can never say I don't have support in this world...that's fo sho

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