Thursday, July 30, 2009

my manifesto

I started a private blog (it may become public one day). but it's a tracking of my weight loss progress online. I am posting my actual weight weekly (which is why it's private) Yowsers!

But the really great thing that I did for my website was complete my manifesto. Here it is. I love it.

bJO's Manifesto

I am a woman. An artist. A lover. I make jewelry. resin. and other adornments.

I believe in happily ever now before happily ever after.

I love the internet; the blogosphere; the twitterverse; the flickrdom. I love Google and google everything.

I spend a wallop of my time overwhelmed and swallowed up by the relentlessness of time.

I believe everyone should have a creative outlet to let their inner child out.

I become obsessed with learning about different lifestyles and the way people live.

I am at my peak when I am learning new things.

I’ve never been more happy than when I am outdoors with friends and my four legged companion.

When my cheeks hurt so bad its like they’ve done a thousands sit-ups, I know its been a great day.

I grew up believing everyone finds their happy ending and that true love and excitement are birthrights.

I love dancing in my living room.

I talk to my dog/cat like they are the Buddha.

I root for the underdog and care passionately about preserving the good that makes us human.

I wish all of us women could rest unwavering in the sureness of our worth, daily.

I am attracted to people who dream big.

Sometimes I love drinking too much wine.

I believe in magic. ghosts and love.

I am intrigued by ‘a deeper truth’.

My friends find comfort in that I am the last to judge and the first to smile.

Silliness is a virtue, somewhere.

I believe everything happens for a reason and its up to you to determine what that reason is.

Reading for hours is like lingering all afternoon in bed with a lover.

Happiness is a choice, and anything less is stubborn procrastination.

My feeling is that life is meant to be lived big, bold, and wonderfully.

I am a foodie.

I achieve to make the world a better place than when I found it.


Leslie Jane Moran said...

This is wonderful. So are you. You are the essence of womanhood. I love your thoughts. Thanks for sharing. Smile hard.

nancy said...

great list!
your beauty shines through!