Sunday, July 20, 2008

thank goodness for neighbours

i was downstairs all day. in the studio. plugging away.

I ate 'lunch' around 2:30pm today. then headed back downstairs. I have included a pic of my favourite resin peice. it's of a joker. from the old fairy tale book i purchased from the salvation army. I took the picture with my blackberry, so the quality isn't the best. but you can get an idea. I absolutely love it. i can't wait to finish them! Anyhow. i wouldn't have even come upstairs for air had the doorbell not rang. I ran upstairs to answer the door at 7:30pm. it was my neighbour. she had made 'too many' ribs! so she brought over a tonne (and I mean a tone) of ribs for us. Perfect timing. Cuz i needed to eat (or i would have ate at 12 tonight) and I need to get out of the fumes. I still have a few things that I need to accomplish at ground level.....

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