Friday, November 02, 2007

what i've got

do you ever have those days when you wake up and think...woa. i'm pretty cool and have this amazing life.

too often i think i focus on what i don't have in my life. i don't have a partner. i am not dating (although sometimes I like to think i am) i don't have a car. i have not paid off my student loans....

woa. that certainly weighs on someone....i often don't look at just how great it is to choose. i have a life of choices. I am single, but can choose to go on a date at any moment i want. I lead a very creative life. i inspire others. i love....boy do i love. sometimes it hurts how much i love. i live my life full of possibility. i have not only friends, but support and growth from those around me. i wake up everyday with 2 little furballs that adore the heck out of me. i grow in my career. i learn everyday. i laugh more than the appropriate amount. i lead. i follow. i sing....out loud (and not only in the shower). i live close to one of the most outdoors/natured areas of Toronto...and frequent the park. I play on swings. i try new foods. daily i watch the sunrise over the CN tower i give. a lot. i dance like it's nobodies business. i ask questions. i skip to songs like 'on the road again'. i cry to release all the love/emotions i have. i design. i flirt. i care. i influence.

I am effin' happy......

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