Monday, October 08, 2007

dayz are short

i wonder where my time goes.

i spend a number of hours a day doing the same things. and wonder if it's ever getting me anywhere or if there are 'shorter' or more efficient ways of doing things. or perhaps, maybe I could let it go and just not do it. (ie, wouldn't it be great if those 30 minutes a day that I spend doing dishes was used otherwise...or what about that 1 and a half hours a day i spend commuting to and from work....) what about that hour i spend walking jack. or that time i spend eating. i need to design a dog walking machine. or an eating machine. that might help.

today is 'my' day. that i have allocated to doing whatever i want. if i took things off the to do list, that was okay and if i spent the time vegged out on the couch. it's somewhat of a blessing that the roomate and carla are watching movies.....makes me want to work and get things done...avoiding the sitting around on the couch all day. i did decide whatever i was going to do.... i wasn't going to make myself wrong. i guess as you can all imagine, i have spent my day rather wisely. i have sorted the basement. into what is going in the main room and what is in the storage room...I still have too much in the main room. but thats all right. i decided at 2pm i would get back to 'reality' now i have showered and will probably go walk jack. or of the routine things I spend my time doing.

it's somewhat of a blessing that the roomate and carla are watching movies.....makes me want to work and get things done....

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