some days i am simply astounded by the beautiful and amazing people i have in my life. It amazes me.
This weekend (as you can tell by lack of posts) I had a really full and active life. I did everything from going to the movies, to picking up a drill, running errands, cleaning houses, I went to festivals, a trip to brantford, weeding and cutting the grass. tired yet? I was.
I literally went all weekend. zoomed here. zoomed there. literally was out of the house for hours. Last night infact, I realized that I forgot to feed jack until Midnight!! what a muffin. he just sat back and let me run in and out. I didn't walk him all day either. He didn't wine. complain. he didn't do a thing. this is evidence for the statement above. The love I attract in my life.
At work today, I was exhausted. but still managed to complete some tasks and move forward in a few areas. I come home from work. and knowing that tonight is bjo night. I walk in the house and go to let the dogs outside. and feel like I am on a tv show.
my whole backyard has been transformed!!
I spent a few hours making only a small dent in the yard work yesterday. Very minimal of a difference in the work that needed to be done.
My neighbours, who are on holidays, took it upon themselves to come into my backyard and not only weed the gardens...they layed brick seperating the gardens (we have talked endlessly how I wanted to do it like theirs)! Can you believe? Like really. Who in the world attracts those kind of neighbours? All I could do was thank them. And tell them that I thought I was on a tv show. They were beaming happy for helping in a way that made a HUGE difference!! My neighbours said that they had a few things they didn't get around to today, but would like to do some small touch ups tomorrow. WHAT? Are you kidding me?
Tonight. I am going to sleep so grateful for everyone I have in my life and for the love that I attract into my life. I can't believe how this small town girl livin' in the big city has only surrounded herself with the cities most finest.
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