Friday, June 01, 2007

tis life

like everything else in my life. i get consumed with my blog for a few days or maybe even weeks...then I drop it, forget it, or it becomes a chore. My blog has never really been a chore. but it really has seen better days.
i have been consumed with my beading again. which is just what i needed. i took a pretty long hiatus. to some, they wouldn't have noticed, because i still had product online and was ready to stock most gifts. until.....
last weekend. A customer needed a gift for a friend. and i had....nothing! no product left. my inventory is ALMOST wiped out. now. it's not completely wiped out. i have about 7-10 left. but these are the black gown/evening wear. Which isn't what people in my world are actually looking for.
So. this weekend will be a weekend of working my magic. I have a full day planned at the bead junction on saturday. and saturday night will go to the ROM to see the new exhibit on 'crystal'. should get me totally motivated.

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