Monday, June 19, 2006

better sleeps ahead

i purchased an air conditioner. the first air conditioner i have ever had in my house! such a weird thought, that I am 28 years old and have never had an air conditioner!! growing up, i lived on a farm and i dont' remember it being this dreadfully hot. the past 7 and a half years have been spent in thunder bay (minus one summer I lived in Van.) so really who needs an air conditioner in either of those 2 places?
i tried to resist the urge to get one. i am severly afraid of the ol' electricity bill! however, sometimes, a good night sleep is worth the extra cash/environmental delpletion and destruction. last night was the first night using the air conditioner. jack i need to say, was in a bit of heaven. i didn't fall asleep until 2am! i had too much (besides heat) walloping threw my head.
but. here is to better night sleeps ahead!

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